Harry S Truman
Facts about Harry S Truman
President Harry S Truman took the US from its traditional isolationism
into the age of international involvement. Despite his power, he never
forgot his roots.
What are the important facts of Harry S Truman important facts of
harry s truman? Read answer...
How did harry s truman die? Read answer...
The University of Missouri established the Harry S Truman School of
Public Affairs to advance the study and practice of governance.
Harry S Truman Commemoration - by Robert H. Ferrell
A commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Truman's presidency.
Harry S Truman, in Look, Apr. 3, 1956
It's a recession when your neighbor loses his job; it's a depression
when you lose yours.
Harry S Truman - Thirty-Third President of the United States
By Martin Kelly, About.
* Harry S Truman's announcement on Bombing of Hiroshima
Harry S Truman's announcement on Bombing of Hiroshima